October 25, 2020 Clery Center's Statement of Position on the 2020 Title IX RegulationsClery Center’s policy work is fueled by our collaboration with institutions. We listen to their successes and challenges in implementing the Clery Act and intersecting federal legislation to inform our own recommendations to policymakers. Over the past few months institutions have scrambled to update policies addressing sexual harassment, including dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking to align with new Title IX regulations. While we’re committed to helping campuses implement these changes as effectively as possible through our training and technical assistance, we are concerned that these regulations impair the ability of institutions to comply with the Clery Act and undermine the shared goals of the Clery Act and Title IX: to create equitable and transparent processes for responding to violence and crime on campus. To communicate these concerns to policymakers, we’ve written a position paper that addresses concerns in three specific areas:
You can read our position paper in full here. Our hope is that legislators can support institutions by advocating for necessary additional guidance or future changes to Title IX regulations to address the conflicts and challenges we’ve identified. In the meantime, we will continue to work with campuses to draft policies and procedures that address these potential areas of concern. For more information about the Title IX regulations and their intersection with the Clery Act, view our free video series with Victim Rights Law Center. |