College campus at sunset

Comprehensive Campus Safety Training and Support

The colleges and universities we serve understand that a safe campus is critical to their institutions’ success. Clery Center's unique focus on both the letter and the spirit of the law gives institutions the tools they need to nurture the trust of their campus communities by creating a more transparent culture and an environment that encourages academic and emotional security. Clery Center Members receive free (limited) and discounted (unlimited) access to all trainings.

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Clery Act Training Seminars

Clery Act Training Seminars (CATS) are multi-day, in-depth Clery Act training offered in three modalities: In-person, Virtual, and Self-paced. CATS is also available on request — private training brought to your campus. 



Workshops & Trainings

Clery Center's workshop and training options are designed to enhance participants' understanding of and compliance with the Clery Act, providing comprehensive insight and practical tools for advancing your skills and knowledge related to this crucial framework for campus safety. They include:

  • Clery Act Fundamentals: New virtual training providing a foundational overview of the basic requirements of the Clery Act.
  • Workshops: Dig into annual security reports and campus security authorities with our virtual workshops. Workshops are also available on-demand.
  • Policy Synergy: Title IX & the Clery Act: Learn how to create policies and procedures that empower survivors of dating or domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking with clear knowledge of their rights and options and fully capture the requirements of both the Clery Act and Title IX. 
  • Stop Campus Hazing Act Training Series: In this collaborative series from Clery Center and StopHazing, participants will review the law’s three main components and explore practices for applying them. 

Learn more about Workshops & Trainings


Training on Request

Bring a Clery Act Training Seminar (CATS) or Workshop to your institution for private, campus-specific sessions. Follow the link to learn more about the on-request options and fill out a request form.

Learn more about training on request


Consulting Services

Clery Center provides subject matter expertise on the Clery Act and uses our national lens working with institutions to help colleges and universities identify strategies to successfully implement the law’s requirements. 

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Explore specific topics on campus safety from an experienced Clery Center presenter. Our webinar series gives college and university representatives the opportunity to learn from safety and compliance experts without the need for travel.

Learn More about webinars 


Videos and Guides

Looking for helpful materials to keep on hand for training current and future staff? Your institution can purchase detailed Clery Center videos and guides directly from our online store.

Clery Center Institutional Members receive a free Member welcome kit that includes guidebooks.