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Webinar: Policy to Practice: Integrating Accessibility
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST
Category: Webinar

2024 Webinar Series: Policy to Practice

Integrating Accessibility

Registration Deadline: August 19, 2024 | 8:00 PM ET



The Clery Act requires institutions to develop materials and programs for their diverse campus community, from the annual security report to training and prevention programs, as well as written resources for victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. However, these materials and programs serve their purpose only if everyone can access the information they contain. Institutions must go beyond just creating the materials and must ensure they are accessible to all individuals, taking into account considerations for different community groups, language barriers, inclusivity, and more. This webinar will focus on the essential strategies for integrating accessibility into the Clery Act requirements regarding written materials.

During this webinar we will:

  • Identify challenges of non-accessible media 
  • Describe methods of creating accessible materials required by the Clery Act
  • Share examples of accessible elements of materials used to comply with the Clery Act

Clery Center is committed to making our training accessible to all participants. English Closed Captioning will be provided and other reasonable accommodations will be considered as requested.

Following the webinar, registrants will receive a link to the webinar recording.

About the Policy to Practice Webinar Series

In our 2024 webinar series, we will examine several requirements of the Clery Act and delve into best practices for effectively addressing these areas. Institutions of higher education are responsible for adhering to the Clery Act, which aims to enhance campus safety and increase transparency regarding campus crime statistics.

While the Clery Act's statutes and regulations outline the necessary actions for campus administrators, they may not always offer specific guidance on implementation. Join us as we dive deeper into policy and provide you with strategies for putting these requirements into practice.


Contact: [email protected]